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My story

My story is presented in a film, an interview I gave on Polish Independent TV NTV and VTV.

The stories, cases and experiences presented there concern my life. In this short text, apart from film materials, I will try to describe part of my story.

The story begins even before I was born. My Mom and Dad met through an event, a situation in which Dad, coming to the hospital after a minor accident, meets my mother, who of course was not her then.


She worked in this hospital as a nurse and this is how they met, they fell in love with each other at that time, after a few years they got married and tried to have a baby.

The efforts to have a child lasted about 5 years, at that time my parents also moved from Cracow to Chrzanów, a small town in Małopolska. However, doctors and conventional medicine did not bring the expected results and it happened in the 1980s, and then probably the knowledge, the methods were different.


At that time, this knowledge in the field of alternative medicine and the topics of working with energy, healing and more holistic thinking was not as intensively propagated and available as it is today in Poland. Those were the days of the lack of access to the Internet. In 1991 exactly the Internet appeared in Poland. And computers in the 1980s were not very popular in homes and apartments due to their large size and low usefulness and application at that time.

One day my parents learned from a friend that there is a man with extraordinary abilities in this city of Chrzanów, who diagnoses and heals with the help of energy, he probably dealt with Bioenergotherapy. He looked very apparently, he was a locksmith and mechanic by profession.


When my mother took advantage of the energy healing treatment that he performed on her a year later, more or less this time, she got pregnant while on holiday in Bulgaria and I was born in a period in which, unfortunately, this man was no longer with us in this world.

As you can see Dear reader, even before I was born, it was the Miracle of healing energy that made me be born here, incarnate here.

From an early age I dreamed a lot, dreamed and one could say I had this energy and happiness. This magnetism attracted to me events, situations and hints that I did not understand then as a child and I perceived these phenomena of my feelings and visions of myself as normal and natural for everyone.

Already at that time, from the age of 6-11, I felt various phenomena, presence, thoughts and emotions without focusing on it especially. From childhood, I felt that the world and positive people, forces want me to feel a certain positive knowledge, imagination and events that in the future were to help me grow up and mature to what I am doing now.

However, it was a path with many obstacles, challenges, often also unpleasant and negative ones. There is a doctor in our city who saved my life as a child and who I could help as an adult as a Healer and Seer.

As you can see for yourself, life often revolves around time, and in fact these moments, sometimes subtle, often seemingly random, are in fact very important and I have experienced it many times.

When I was growing up, my beloved parents had a lot of patience with me because I messed up a bit and was often here, once there, being a very active child who does not want to sit still.

My Dad started teaching me Martial Arts at about 11-12 years old mainly Karate style and sometimes he would tell me different stories even from the world of energy and imagination referring to various books on the subject and Ki energy which is a very important part of History and Karate philosophy from the old days. This art referred not only to self-defense, it was the way of the spirit, the art of controlling the body and development. I didn't see it that way at the time.

When I started to look at this Martial Art more closely and read about it, I looked through books from my Dad, Martial Arts from the Far East such as: Shaolin Kung fu and Wing Chun Kung Fu, Tai Chi, there were strongly emphasized aspects of meditation, contact with the Force Of the universe and the energy of the Elements.


It was the first tangible time that I consciously approached this type of practice to find out what I would feel and what effect it would have. Then my adventure began, during which I received a book on Psychotronics and Parapsychology from my father, and my path in life, perception, practices and experiments and many hours of interesting reflections sped up even more.


At that time, I also received a toy dictaphone that could record a few minutes of recordings, so I had fun and made recordings about supernatural phenomena, UFOs and various things that happened to me. At the age of about 15-16, I was already doing the first healing treatments with great effects, and I was able to predict the future and see clearly. Around these years, and even before that, most of the extraordinary phenomena, practices, and ideas were also associated with the world of dreams, lucid dreaming, and dream travel.

Since then, I have met extraordinary people, teachers who have taught me from the level of their experiences and the mistakes they have made. People from the society of Tai Chi practices, healing systems, bioenergotherapy, radiesthesia, divination, lucid dreaming and telepathy played an important role in my life.

I was a frequent visitor at the age of 15-17 at the Chrzanów club of esoteric meetings and energy work practices, mainly in the form of

 Chi Kung and Tai Chi for which I am very grateful to this day and it has had a great impact on my development and who I am now.

My friends whom I met who helped me grow up, mature and learn also in other areas of life, business, natural medicine, working with the pendulum, understanding the power of minerals and precious stones. They were just with me then, it was a great support for me, it gave me a sense of understanding and I am very grateful for that.

As you can see, dear reader, these stories will surprise you with time, and there are many more of them, they are still happening today.

I invite you to the rest of these stories, experiences and experiments with energy on my YouTube channel Artur Sierocki Clock of Life and to watch the interviews I gave. These interviews are not only about my story but also about topics related to spiritual development, esoterics, work with energy, parapsychology and psychotronics.

I cordially greet you and invite you to familiarize yourself with my offer of services

Artur Sierocki Clock of Life.

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